Jack Solomon

Step by Step Diet To Boost Metabolism – Ultimate Guide

A diet for boosting metabolism is one of the most versatile ones. However, the principle of this type of food is evident...

Gelatin In Bodybuilding and Muscle Growing

Six percent of the human total body mass is collagen. This protein, which is a structural one, is contained on every tissue....

Ecdysterone – Increases Your Muscle Mass? Uses, Side Effects, Dosage

Ecdysterone is a natural substance with hormone-like properties that controls molting and metamorphosis in arthropods in bodybuilding. There is...

Best Techniques to do Dumbbell Hammer Curl Exercise

Standing dumbbell hammer curl is a common exercise for working out the biceps. It has a low threshold and can be performed...

Glycogen For Weight Gain And Fat Burning

The processes of fat burning and muscle growth depend on many factors, including the consumption of glycogen. But how does it affect...

Dumbbell Floor Press – Proper Exercise Guide

The dumbbell floor press is a variation of the basic triathlon exercise and develops the upper part of the amplitude during Its...

How To Do Smith Machine Incline Bench Press

The Smith machine incline bench press is suitable for bodybuilding purposes and for those who do not have the usual incline bench...

How to do a Barbell Pullover – Step By Step Guide

Barbell pullover exercise allows you to develop the pectoral muscles more effectively rather than when you use dumbbells. Don’t assume that in...

Zinc – Benefits, Side Effects & Use in Bodybuilding

It is one of the most important microelements for humans and can be found in hundreds of enzymes, proteins that perform protective...

Best Techniques For Barbell Bicep Curl Exercise

Standing barbell bicep curl is available to everyone, from beginners to professionals. It has remained a major movement for many people for decades.

How to do Gravitron pull-ups – A Step By Step Instruction

Gravitron pull-ups are intended to replace the regular standard pull-ups on gymnastics bars for the beginners in their regular training to ease...

Best Techniques & Practices to Do Scott Bench Curls

Scott bench curls can complete your biceps training, or be the last movement on your back day. The development of your biceps...

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