Apoxar GHRP-6 Reviews — From 2022

GHRP-6 peptide reviews and all you need to know
GHRP-6 peptide reviews and all you need to know

People either absolutely love peptides and everything connected to them or think that they are total bullshit. Same goes for GHRP-6 reviews. Today, we are going to talk about a peptide of the first generation, that is great for cutting, bulking and just being in your life. 

Due to the fact that peptides became quite popular, there are a lot of malicious sellers eager to send you tooth powder instead of a working gear. Luckily, we know where to buy GHRP-6 online in Canada and receive exactly what you ordered. Right in our shop. Especially if you want it pure and from a trusted lab.

By The Way, What Is GHRP-6?

GHRP-6 (Growth hormone-releasing peptide 6) is a peptide hormone that stimulates the natural production of HGH in the body. As we know, HGH is great not only for those who are on special hormone therapy, but also for those who can’t imagine their lives without sport. GHRP-6 helps to recover faster from hardcore trainings, improves mood and overall state. It can be taken solo, but mostly it is used along with AAS or other peptides to receive better results.

By the way, you can read our full-scale GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 reviews — for further research.

GHRP-6 Pros, Cons and Price

What is great about peptides is that they are absolutely harmless. Almost all of them don’t have any possible side effects. They can just cause 0 effects, that’s the most severe side effect. Some can cause pain in the injection site but it usually goes away fast. 

As for the price, it varies, LEGIT pharma-grade GHRP-6 costs somewhere between 35$-45$. Anything lower than that is probably tooth powder. You can feel peptides benefits, only if you buy them from trustworthy sources. What benefits? These!:

  • Absolutely crazy appetite (great for bulking cycles);
  • Increased recovery, stronger bones and ligaments (no more sprained ankles or aching shoulders, go for it and workout 24/7);
  • Great fat loss (depending on the dose GHRP-6 can be used for bulking AND for cutting).

A lot of benefits and almost no side effects, sounds like it is worth trying, is it no? Let’s look at what professionals say.

GHRP-6 Reviews

IMPORTANT: if GHRP-6 is used solo — you don’t need PCT, if it is used with AAS – run a PCT cycle. 

“Recently started my testosterone 1000mg EW + GHRP-6 100 mcg/day experiment and it feels amazing so far. I grow bigger every day and hunger feels so real. Like I could devour everything in the house.”

Those who prefer their peptides solo can save money on PCT, but can’t expect mindblowing results.

“GHRP-6 is a working peptide, especially for those who have not used any chemical substances before. Such people can really gain in power and fastly burn excess fat. For those who are used to AAS, this peptide is best used to maintain the achieved results on the PCT, or better to be used in synergy with the steroids on the cycle as an alternative to HGH.”

— Dred_Leaf


As we can see, GHRP-6 is a popular, multifunctional peptide that can be great for anyone regardless of experience in AAS use and sports involvement. Benefits, listed above, can be achieved only and ONLY if you use pure GHRP-6 that was 3rd party lab checked and proven to work.